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Does Vague Violence Toward Men Make People Utterly Speechless?

No one is innocent and sweet. We forget how fragile we are and God only knows we can't breathe when someone has their knee on our neck.

Photo of author Nicolas Sursock
Written by Nicolas Sursock Oct 31, 2019 at 21:41 •

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Today I want to talk about violence against men. It seems it could unite the planet. Men have a hard time talking about it because they are in charge of security, and they know life can be severe and cruel. Of course, young children need a sunny day, but what if this isn’t possible?

Today I’m writing with an awful shnek pain. It seems it’s a mix of shoulders and neck pain. But I also read the pain signals weren’t reliable: if you experience pain in the neck, it might be the shoulders.

We will never know how we’ve been watched from the shadows for all this time.

What I do know, though, is that pain might also tell a lot about pleasure. Every year an army of young students graduate and thinking you’re irreplaceable is a not so obvious thought to have.

I’m going to make a list of all the pain points of my life and see if these are important. After all, today I’m in a kind of coma, and my only pleasure is going to a coffee shop.

At 10 Years Old Someone Calls You Little Jerk.

This one might be the most challenging insult to take. Because right before being 10, you were already insulted by people your age. And suddenly the sister of one of your friends calls you jerk because she forgot to lock the bathroom and she was naked.

But watch out for this: if she was from the Mediterranean, this could have been friendly. But she wasn’t, and the war was declared even though I was a little child. My early puberty might have been because of that. And don’t be surprised if your sisters or cousins don’t call you anymore.

A jerk is a stupid, naive, and unreachable person. I should have looked up this word in the dictionary earlier. But I was busy watching the neighbors rape one of my friend who died shortly after.

There you have it, and violence made to a man: stupid, naive, and unreachable. And only ten years old (2 years before he was jokingly wearing the skirts of his sister).

Is Chemical Imbalance An Important Factor In Life?

Another violence toward men is how people use drugs to silence you. But this drug is like no other: it’s an atomic bomb that will make water obsolete on Earth and in your body.

If it’s a chemical imbalance, then it’s, of course, a matter of balance. I do think those chemical weapons can be the cause of 9/11. I was insulted daily and found a way out, thanks to Jesus. Don’t teach Jesus to people under age 30 because they will make fun of him.

Whatever I do, I’m under the influence of that chemotherapy that reminds me of the first time I took a cigarette. Now I’m a hypocrite, and I smoke two packs a day.

Women Like People Who Are Strong But She Won’t Turn You On.

Last time I was sober, I forgot everything I learned. Spies didn’t come out of the water. It was only a way to say women need a fantasy. A good compromise.

As a human being, I was trying to respect the law and forgot about politics. It was comfortable as long as I knew myself. But the moment you lose your soul, the code becomes very blurry.

Anyway, my girlfriend loved strong men and almost killed me to verify how strong I was. Of course, the moment she toyed with a knife, I sent her home, and I knew we were separated then. I had a private investigation to do. Call me morbid or absurd, but do you know your UNKL point (the point where you stop playing)?

To me, physical integrity is a temple, but I guess I might have been a bit naive. Children are born because of this transgression.

No Doubt The Brain Will Be Greatly Disturbed.

In conclusion, my brain is in a lot of pain right now. I guess I can’t count on all my fingers all the dates I had with swingers. I have so many friends to say goodbye to; I think I won’t say goodbye then otherwise, there will be another massacre.

It takes a lot of work, attention, and dedication to understanding something or somebody. When I discovered Jimi Hendrix, it wasn’t obvious what he could bring to me. And with time, I started to genuinely appreciate all those beautiful little moments on guitar like the introduction and conclusion of “The Wind Cries Mary.”

I should take the time to appreciate the pain and then it will tell a lot about the pleasure. No one is irreplaceable: of course, some are missed more than others, but there’s an army that graduates every year.

It’s time to understand that every life has a meaning in the Terran concert. Each being brings us closer to our ultimate destiny: the safe exploration of space and love.

It doesn't matter who you are
Or what you're gonna be
People from all walks of life
You gotta have diversity
We're all in this together
And together we shall be
You gotta be a friendly neighbor
If you're gonna live next to me

We're all livin' on the same side
Same side of town
Walkin' down the same streets
The streets that are all around

You could be my brother
Or you could be my friend
But don't you turn your back on me
'Cause well be here 'til the end
Yeah, we're all in this together
And we all have that dream
To live in perfect harmony
Like a family that's the scene
Cause we're all...

Livin' on the same side
Same side of town
Walkin' down the same streets
The streets that are all around
Livin' on the same side
Same side of town
Shufflin' to the same beat
The beat that is all around

Stumblin' down on D.P., keggers all around
Laughin' at the police as they try to bring us down
Hangin' with each other, yeah hangin' with our bro's
We all love one another, from our heads down to our toes

Cause we're all livin' on the same side
Same side of town
Walkin' down the same streets
The streets that are all around
Livin' on the same side
Same side of town
Shufflin' to the same beat
The beat that is all around
(1417 words)
Photo of author Nicolas Sursock
Written by Nicolas Sursock

Nicolas Sursock is a seasoned web developer, accomplished musician, and dedicated blogger, currently channeling his expertise into the meticulous curation and analysis of over 15,000 songs spanning jazz, blues, soul, rock, funk, and electronic genres. A skilled guitarist, Nicolas seamlessly blends his technical acumen with artistic expression, leaving an indelible mark on the digital and musical landscapes.

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